Inner Seasons (Part 1 - Intro)

menstrual cycle
Influencing how you think, feel and engage with tHe world

We are taught to function at peak all the time, and that is simply not true to our biology.

It is common knowledge that women have a menstrual (hormonal) cycle, and yet much like the outer seasons we tend to do our best to live the same life through all seasons.

And let’s be real, a tomato in winter simply does not have the punch of one from summer!

It is an ongoing spiral, however I find it very helpful to view it as a wave. We have our active upward phases (spring and summer) and our regenerative downward phases (fall and winter).

The yin (feminine) phases of the menstrual cycle are not honored in modern culture.

There is no red tent to retreat to for fresh inspiration. Rarely is the passage to womanhood celebrated. In fact, for many menstrual blood is considered gross and the period an inconvenience.

Yet, the body puts so much effort and energy into these moonthly preparations. There is power and peace available to us when we let go of fighting our flow and choose to synchronise with it.

And yes, we can do this reasonably while living in the real world with modern responsibilities.

So to be more clear, what does it look like when we resist the regenerative yin seasons of fall and winter?

Some examples of blocking your natural yin phase in the cycle may look like:

  • Feeling exhausted from pushing through when all you want to do is rest and recharge

  • Explosive emotions catching you by surprise

  • Menstrual pain, discomfort, and annoyance

  • Numbness and lack of awareness for the body’s needs

  • Constantly in the mind buzzing

  • Inability to deeply let go and relax

More than bleeding

Menstrual magic is grounded in finding flow and peace through alignment with the body’s natural state.

For those, with an irregular cycle or who are not currently bleeding it can be helpful to align with the moon cycles.

The menstrual cycle tends to be about 28 days and mimics the moon cycle, however, most of us do not sync to the natural earthly flow in our modern era.

We have become vastly disconnected from our natural circadian rhythms with artificial light and screentime, taking hormones and medications, as well as, pervasive endocrine disruptors in our food and water supply.

A modern women’s movement

Embraces our bodies wisdom and the sacred role of being a yoni (womb) guardian.

Flows with our cycle and drops the idea of needing to operate the same as men to have equal value and relevance.

We all get to step into wholeness.

More than ever before, we are being called on to align with the natural rhythms of life. Disconnect is not sustainable.

We are re-membering our place in the cosmos and on this earth. Many refer to this as the Great Awakening, a raising of consciousness and awareness.

Have you ever considered the implications of our bodies as electromagnetic systems? Our bodies are part of Nature carrying a spark of the Divine intimately connected to the web of life.

We are magical beings when our systems are vital and plugged into the organic matrix.

Most bodies do not come in contact with the earth on a regular basis or even spend much time outside. We have fake light, fake food, medicine to mute symptoms, social media for friends, and privately sponsored news for ‘unbiased’ information.

As a whole, humanity has become extremely polarised, splitting into starkly contrasting paradigms. This is not a new dichotomy, although since the Corona era it has become even more apparent.

To simplify, one worldview perceives humans as an organic part of Nature, while the other attempts to dominate Nature using synthetic technology.

It is healing to clear the toxins in mind, body, heart, and soul. One important way of doing this is to realign our time structure, our relationship to the cycles of life.

Even simple observations will show you that all live moves in cycles, within cycles. Growth is a spiral and not a straight line.

For women, that includes integrating and working with all phases of our menstrual cycle.

Here is a sneak peak of what is to come. In future posts, we will dive into each season’s qualities and embodiment practices to best support flowing with the energies.

Anne Bhakti Waelder

Anne’s passion is helping busy women break free from numbness to feel more alive and embody soulful intimacy. As a holistic sexuality coach, she uses technologies from yoga, mystical traditions, and cutting edge regenerative health modalities to help women awaken the goddess within. Get her free Map Your Yoniverse 7-day Initiation (daily powerful 10 Minute embodiment practices) to initiate a new level of connection with your pleasure and soulful presence.

A Fresh Start