desire flows from tHe yearnings of tHe soul

Empowered women are naturally
magic, sensual, and soulful

I founded Bhakti Blossoms with the intention of creating a safe and nurturing space for women to explore and empower their unique Yoniverse, the blossoming of their Goddess Essence.

If you are experiencing numbness or pain, you are not broken! Disconnection from the body is a natural response to feeling unsafe, it is a messenger.

Holistic sexuality practices empower you to transmute your blocks and nourish your desires.

I am passionate about teaching women tools to experience their vitality and the soulful bliss underlying both pleasure and pain.

Sexual energy is our creative life force

It is time to break free from
numbness & distortion

Many of us are awakening from the limiting stories of our time. For example, many religions have taught that the divine lives outside of us, and if we are lucky/good/pay, someone will be our intermediary and save us.

On the leading edge, we have seen and felt that this is simply not true!

We are all sparks of the divine and we are infusing that into all aspects of our lives as we awaken to more of who we are.

Our bodies hold traumatic emotions and memories in our nervous system, which blocks flow and feeling in the present.

Soulful Intimacy is embodied spirituality, and it begins with the relationship between you, your soul and your body.

Pleasure has been cast in the shadows for centuries, the body has been shamed and blamed. The yin, receptive, nurturing, intuitive, creative, Divine Feminine, and Goddess have been downplayed. We are reclaiming them!

Pleasure is powerful medicine, and at the peak, orgasm is an altered state of consciousness. To reach this healing ecstatic state, you must first bring your system back into flow and cultivate deep presence.

Join me on the leading edge and tap into the ever-present current of bliss in all that is.

“YOur task is nOt tO seek fOr lOve, but merely to seek and find all tHe barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

— Rumi

A Modern-day Goddess

seeking to connect with tHe divine amidst tHe demands of everyday life.

This is a path of self-realization through pleasure, love and devotion. We are re-membering, a process of integration, of seeing the divine perfection in even our darkest shadows.

Only when we stop fighting parts of ourselves are we able to open to Love.

The essence of Rumi’s wisdom is that, at our core we all carry a spark of Divine Love, it is not something we find outside. When we allow ourselves to see and learn from our barriers they lose their power over us. In fact, it is through these cracks that our Light is able to shine out.

All feelings, perspectives, and actions are at their core sacred messengers. Are you ready to meet them with Love and receive their wisdom?

Internal alchemy can be very fruitful. An acceptance and allowing, which creates space for your natural blossoming, surrendering to the full truth of who you really are.


  • A supportive container which systematically engages the: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Relational, Energetic, and Spiritual aspects of your being. This approach is holistic and trauma informed enabling profound and lasting transformation – shifting the neural pathways from programs of fear to ones of love and profound safety. Empowering you to transmute your blocks and nourish your deepest desires. A rose cannot be forced open, under the right conditions it opens gracefully.

  • Check out my about me page here to learn more about my journey. My primary foundations are described in the drop down menu at the bottom of the page.

  • Predominantly yes, however, I do also offer sessions for couples and I am currently developing a special program for doing with a partner to deepen intimacy and develop new tools for communicating and connecting.