Aspire to Bliss

It is my honor to support you in creating a vital and pleasurable relationship with your
body and sexuality.

Feel like you are going under?

Ready for a helping hand?

THe AlcHemical Process

Hand in hand we will go deep into the shadows, mysteries, and magic — the gooey place of metamorphosis. We tap into your subconscious waters to nourish and expand your outer life.

All inner alcHemy requires three main components:

  1. Container : The sacred space that we co-create in our sessions outside of everyday life. (TUNE IN)

  2. Energy : Where your attention goes energy flows, so we bring focus, breath, and movement to activate your awareness and vital life force. (TURN ON)

  3. Intention : In order to create powerful transformation, we create a north star for our journey together and check in each session along the way, while allowing your process to unfold. We look at how to integrate your discoveries in your daily life for lasting change. (TRANSFORM)

Especially as a Projector (Human Design aura type), I understand that we all need help seeing our own stuff. I am able to peer deeply into the core of others and hold transformative space for them. Yet, I too also benefit from having others help me see and go deep when I get stuck.

Within the general framework of Tune In, Turn On, Transform — the path is completely unique to your desires and current situation, as it is aligned with your highest good at this time.

  • Slow down and connect with your deep inner feelings and knowing. The watery depths of your Yoniverse.

  • Rewire your nervous system to expand the energy you can hold, the pleasure you can experience, and to heal old stories that no longer fit.

  • Blossom into alignment with an expanded story of who you are, how you live and love, and the soulful intimacy you get to create in this life.


Beyond the practical tools, this is a transmission, a multi-dimensional experience aimed at remembering who and what you truly are. Supporting you to empower yourself.

What can I expect?

THe Coaching Container

We dive deep into the BodyMind to laser in on your truest desires and blocks. I compassionately keep you on track with your own goals, and help you remember what you already know deep within.

I teach you personalised tools and connect you with resources that you can use in your everyday life, which anchor the deep transformations experienced in sessions.

As a coach and space holder, I am here to support you to get the most out of your quest by bringing deep insights, keeping you honest and accountable, loving and witnessing you when it is challenging, and to celebrating your achievements with you.

Embodiment practices, meditation, self-pleasure practices, and visualisation exercises, in addition to tuned in talk coaching, which you can experience from the comfort of your own home.

  • Coaching sessions are 90 minutes and held in Zoom.

    • We always start with a grounding exercise to drop in.

  • There is no explicit sexuality or nudity required.

    • All pleasure practices may be taught as an embodied meditation/breathwork or guided without video.

Your Container Options


3 Sessions

A touchstone experience for more clarity and tools to get things flowing.

Deep Dive

6 Months

A personalised container with extra support, an investment in you living your bliss as you Awaken the Goddess Within.

How do I begin?

  • Submit an Application

    Do you feel ready for your next level?! Tell me about your situation, your challenges, and desires using the form here.

  • Discovery Call

    After reviewing your application, I will send you a link for a free no strings attached zoom call. Where we meet to explore your journey.

  • Personalised Sessions

    Together we dive in to your Yoniverse and use holistic sexuality coaching tools to Awaken the Goddess Within you.