A Fresh Start

Sometimes We all need to begin again.

Our lives are cyclical.

As much as I love blossoming, it is not always spring!

I cherish the clearing time of fall and the incubation time of winter.

These are the Feminine (yin) elements of being!

It is time for sharing a new level of depth online, after an integration period in my own journey. For the last two years my online world has not been growing. At first, I was deeply bothered by this.

Then, I remembered the wisdom I have shared with my fellow sisters…

The blossoms we see are just one stage of the process, which the plant experiences. In order to blossom, we must also tend to the soil, water, light, nutrients, neighboring beings, and above all trust the process of seasons and organic growth.

I am excited to share this next level in my world and work with you, as we all rise into a new paradigm of love together.


Thank you for joining me on the journey!

Anne Bhakti Waelder

Anne’s passion is helping busy women break free from numbness to feel more alive and embody soulful intimacy. As a holistic sexuality coach, she uses technologies from yoga, mystical traditions, and cutting edge regenerative health modalities to help women awaken the goddess within. Get her free Map Your Yoniverse 7-day Initiation (daily powerful 10 Minute embodiment practices) to initiate a new level of connection with your pleasure and soulful presence.


Inner Seasons (Part 1 - Intro)